General information for the website: Optimize Apache/Nginx for caching/proxying Kind of development: Customization of existing website Description of requirements/features: Looking for an experienced Wordpress developer to help us setup and optimize a Wordpress Multisite installation. We have an existing initial attempt, but the site is still slow, and we would like someone to help us with hardening and making the site production-ready. We will need someone to help us: - Install and setup Jetpack - Install and setup W3 Total Cache to AWS S3/Cloudfront - Setup automatic Wordpress backups - Optimize Apache/Nginx for caching/proxying - Harden Wordpress against brute-force attacks etc (e.g. Wordfence) For deployment, we are using Docker and Kubernetes on Google Cloud. We already have the deployment script done, but some familiarity with Docker is preferred as the Nginx/PHP/Apache configuration will be via Docker. Extra notes:
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