General information for the website: I need a social media website to be created Description of every page/module: General information for the website: social media Description of requirements/features: social media Extra notes: Hello, im looking for a social media website to be created. You will need to have experience and show me some examples of websites you've created. Such as social media sites or websites that require you to log in. Description of requirements/features: General information for the website: social media Description of requirements/features: social media Extra notes: Hello, im looking for a social media website to be created. You will need to have experience and show me some examples of websites you've created. Such as social media sites or websites that require you to log in. CMS and Admin requirements: General information for the website: social media Description of requirements/features: social media Extra notes: Hello, im looking for a social media website to be created. You will need to have experience and show me some examples of websites you've created. Such as social media sites or websites that require you to log in. Extra notes: I need a social media website to be created
Вакансия: #6863
2573 дней 10ч 26м
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