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General information for the website: WEBSITE FROM SCRATCH Description of requirements/features: Feature We need 1) Manage online registration, subscription, membership renewal and event registration. 2) Accept online payments by Net-banking or by Credit card. 3) Send automatic confirmation, reminders, invoice and receipts. 4) Membership Management Automated online payment processing Automated renew notification Multiple membership options 5) Members Login and Member Area Members can login to their member area Members can update their profile, change passwords Members can view their participants, can cancel membership, renew membership, and print receipts and invoices 6) Members Directory Publish member directory on your website Manage member directory Control visibility of member data (e.g. only members can view contact information of other members etc) Publish events, conference on your website need admin approval Exclusive interface/login for each chapter/divisions Collect membership and renews payments from your website Customize to match your look and feel Choose from vibrant color schemes or select your custom colors 7) Event Pricing Different type of pricing for members, non-members etc. Option for early bird, advance registration, onsite registration etc. Option to define cancellation fees 8) Sponsor/Referral Management Add unlimited sponsors Option to define Different type of sponsors Registration/Discount code for each sponsor Track registration data and report for each sponsor Option to generate registration code (Sponsors can publish it on their website or can send by an email) 9) Event Cancellation Fully automated cancellation process Members can cancel their membership online (after paying cancellation fees) 10) Discounts, Coupons and Gift Certificates Group discount Priority member discounts Coupons Referral discounts 11) Referral discounts need when any uers use referral code when he took membership. 12) Email Templates and Notifications Email notifications to administrators and members on Change Profile, Password change, new registration and Registration receipt. Instant notifications to National chapter Administrators and Chapters’ administrators for new registrations, updated registrations, cancellations, and incomplete registrations. Automatic Confirmation, Reminder Emails, Receipts SMS Thanks Extra notes:

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Вакансия: #7396

2524 дней 11ч 21м



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00:00 - 08:00

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