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Magento 2 Customization

Seeking Magento 2 freelancers who are knowledgeable on this platform for various customization on an already installed Matjeplace and add-ons. Please only bid if you are experienced with Magento 2 and have worked on this platform previously. We have had 3 situations now were freelancers promise to deliver and state they are magento 2 developers with experience but cannot even perform the simplest of tasks and waste our time, without completing tasks for weeks therefore kindly only bid if you are well versed with Magento 2. Due to the above, following points are to be noted: 1) Progress reports expected at the latest every 2 days 2) Code changed/added should be recorded with the locations and provided for record purposes 3) Code added/changed should be made to the custom theme location for upgrade friendly reasons 4) Communication should be on point 5) No outsourcing the project to anybody else, you as a sole freelancer or agency is bidding to work on the project yourself and not passing it on to your friends or anybody else that is not directly part of your companyBy bidding on the project, you agree to the above and if you breach on or more of the above conditions then you are no longer to work on this project and you will forfeit all milestone payments and you will not be paid therefore please endure you adhere to requirements before making a commitment which cannot be fulfilled. 6) Strictyly, do not request for milestone be released with the tasks in progress. Once work has been completed to the standard requested and as per the specification, payment will be released Kindly, only bid if you agree to the above, if you bid then you are by default in agreement to the above conditions. Can provide requirements over the chat platform for precise cost and tasks. Thank you

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Вакансия: #7476

2524 дней 11ч 23м



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00:00 - 08:00

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