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1-2 min Product Introduction Video for a Kickstarter Page

Dear Videographers, Our new, portable, folding e-bike has finally arrived and, after some tweaking, is running around nicely. We're looking for someone to film and edit a short product introduction video, in London, with it's iconic backdrops, on an asap timeline for our kickstarter page. I have attached a rough script. We're not pro's at all, so pls excuse the format. We are very much open to ideas and likewise time and cost saving solutions. It is important however to create a strong clear message, with good continuity and a professional finish. The bike is a fun little run around and the key to the video will be demonstrating that with nice action shots; creating a sense of speed, excitement and fun. Please let me know: (a) your availabililty (b) your fixed price for the project. (c) the equipment you have to make the video. If you could also share any relevant links to videos that aren't on your profile that would also be helpful. Thank you Kind regards, Stuart

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Вакансия: #7909

2524 дней 9ч 21м



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00:00 - 08:00

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