General information for the business: We Sell Legal Services/End Of Life Products Industry: Legal Description of support work: Sector We are in legal sector and helping people to protect themselves, their families and their estate by putting in place correct legal documents. We provide will writing services & prepaid funeral plans, Overview Over 69% of UK population have not written their Wills which result in people dying intestate. In such a situation laws of intestacy apply to distribute their estate which may not suit everybody as it does not take into account your thoughts, emotions and feelings. Therefore having a Will in place is of absolute importance. Job Description To make cold calls to and talk about end of life issues. Listening and Engage people in conversation. Get them interested in knowing about ways of protecting them. Focus on issues and their consequences as opposed to products and services . Setting appointments to see a local legal consultant or generate lead for a follow up. The Candidate • Have more than 5 years of experience in lead generation and appointment setting. • Excellent communication & Active Listening Skills • Native English Speaker • Being able to empathise, show care and respect. • Ability to build rapport and establish trust. Training & Script will be provided. Project will be on going. Initially requires 12 hours over 3 to 4 days in a week. Target : 12 Appointments per Week. Hourly Pay. Please submit your proposal. Extra notes:
Вакансия: #8349
2565 дней 10ч 29м
Тип работы:
Одноразовая работа
Рабочее время:
00:00 - 08:00
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