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Part Time (Remote Based) Marketing Executive

At Sitemorse, we are looking for a part time experienced Marketing Executive to join our team, on a contract basis 15-20 hours pw. Since 2001, Sitemorse has been the provider of automated, cloud based software, empowering digital teams to continually improve how they manage their entire online presence. You will be joining an expanding team - Sitemorse has a client base consisting of high profile corporates and government organisations, some of the biggest names in the world. We continually review and upgrade our services, therefore it’s important you have experience working in a fast paced and changing environment. Key Responsibilities: -Devise marketing strategy, identifying new channels and implementing marketing initiatives. -Proactive Social Media management. -Effective briefing and co-ordination of PR / web / print and other marketing support services. -Copywriting: converting technical service documents into engaging content (blog / PR / social media). -Market research and database management. -Prospecting through discovery calls, LinkedIn, comprehensive information gathering and accurate recording of data. -Competitor Analysis and Monitoring. Skills: -Commercially focused and results driven. -Strong digital marketing background. -Up to date with marketing technology eg Hubspot, Google Analytics, Google Adwords, Newswire, Mailchimp. -Ability to adapt in a changing environment and anticipate future requirements. -Excellent time management. -Proactive approach and ability to prioritise own workload. -Advanced Word and Powerpoint skills -3 years + B2B Marketing experience (SaaS / technology a bonus) **Must be UK / EU Based only**

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Вакансия: #9137

2401 дней 6ч 58м



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Рабочее время:

00:00 - 08:00

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