Num. of articles: 80 Words per article: 600-800 Information for the blog/website: We are an affiliate marketing web site in the money transfer space. Industry: Business Topic: Money Transfers Tone: Informal/Casual Outline & Structure: We are looking for content writers to undertake a large volume of work initially - to help us populate our new affiliate marketing web site that focuses on the money transfer space - and subsequently on an ongoing basis to contribute a weekly article. We are keen to work with writers who are familiar with SEO and can write engaging, easy to ready articles for our readers (individuals and businesses) on the subject of money transfers. We will initially need approximately 20 company profiles researched and written (company names, & URLs supplied plus guidance on what we would like included in each profile), as well as about 40 articles (of varying lengths but on average 600-800 words) - see example topics below: Restrictions - hardest countries to move money to and from The top ten countries that move money Move money securely Buy a house Send money to a relative Send money for school The top ten reasons for moving money with a link to each Making business transfers The tone of the articles should be informal/casual but aim to inform/educate. Please quote a fee per post and include an example of your work and links to any published pieces. Many thanks Extra notes:
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